
qcalibrate is a python script written in the Paton lab to assist with performing conformational sampling on transition state structures. This conformational sampling will help ensure that you have the lowest energy structures and more accurate pathways, so it's an important part of research.

This script uses Gaussian and CREST and currently is only in place on ACME. My tutorial will go through the different steps that qcalibrate runs through in such a way that you can repeat this process manually if you are on another computer.

qcalibrate Processes

This module will go through the steps of the qcalibrate script, as well as the location of each part in the event you will need to troubleshoot the scripts. This will also serve as a step-by-step guide for the event that you want to run the processes individually or on another computer without qcalibrate.

Step 1: Modredundant Optimization

As the set-up for qcalibrate, you must create a Gaussian input file for a modredundant optimization of your transition state structure (more details in the Set-up section). This optimization is first run, with the bond constraints that you have set up for the transition state. This step should not take very long, since you will be starting with an optimized transiton state.

The modredundant optimization is initially run to ensure that you have found a transiton state before you move along with the conformation search and following optimizations. There is a script which checks for imaginary vibrational modes in the Gaussian output files (/opt/apps/bin/calibrate/check_im_freq). This is to ensure that you have a good starting point before spending more computing power on something that isn't a transition state after all.

This step of the process is called in the script /opt/apps/bin/qcalibrate.

Step 3: Constrained Optimization

Once you have the clustered conformations of your transition states, the same constraints/frozen bonds that were included in your initial qcalibrate input are applied to each structure and a constrained geometry optimization is started. These will all run in serial, so conf_01 will run first, and when it has finished conf_02 will start. This is part of why the process can take so long and it might be beneficial to increase the total wall time for your project.


These constrained optimizations also use the same level of theory that you started with in your initial input file, so be mindful of that when you create the input.

Once the optimizations are completed, they will be put into a folder called constrained_opts/ and further analyzed.

At this stage, the output files are checked for imaginary frequencies (signifying a transition state), as well as filtered based on energy. GoodVibes is run on all the conformers that had a normal termination to get energy information about the ensemble. This is done as a way of reducing computational cost if the conformations are too high in energy, as anything more than 5 kcal/mol higher in energy than the lowest energy conformer is discarded at this step.

Step 4: Unrestrained Transition State Optimization

After the modredundant optimizations have completed and high energy conformers filtered out, those geometries are used as starting points for an unrestrained TS optimization. The keywords used in the Gaussian input files are opt=(ts,calcfc,noeigentest) as opposed to the opt=modredundant that the process was started with. These optimizations also take place in serial, so it can take some time to complete.


If you run out of time at this point, you should just re-submit all of the input files that end in *ts_conf_XX.com (XX represents conformer number), as this is one of the last steps in the process. At this point, it is just an ensemble of TS optimizations.

Once these jobs are complete, the files are checked for imaginary frequencies (those without are filtered out and moved to ts_fail/) and GoodVibes is started again. At this stage, conformers are still filtered out if they are more than 5 kcal/mol higher in energy than the lowest energy conformer, but at this point the geometries are fully relaxed to the transtion states. You will have an output labeled "best" that is the lowest energy TS conformer to come out of this protocol, but if you want the full ensemble structures are in the ts_opt/ folder.


You should at this point visualize all of your conformers that you plan to continue with to ensure that they represent the transition state that you want. This protocol just checks to see that they have at least one imaginary frequency that has an intensity greater than the cutoff, not that it's the TS you were searching for or started with.

This is the end of the qcalibrate protocol. The output for each step will be in the individual folders created with each step. Another file called calibrate.out will also be created which will give an overview of the whole process. This is a good place to look if anything seems wrong to start the troubleshooting process.


If you are on ACME, then qcalibrate is already installed and ready to be called on the computer. If you are curious about any errors/troubleshooting, the code exists in the directory /opt/apps/bin/ as CALIBRATE, qcalibrate, and all files in calibrate/.

You want to start with a Gaussian input file from an optimized transition state structure. So once you have found a transition state, create an input file using that geometry and set up for a modredundant optimization. This includes putting these keywords in the route line for your calculation:

functional/basis opt=modredundant freq

For the optimization, you also need to specify bonds to constrain at the bottom of the file. Here, you will want to freeze the bonds that are involved in the transition state that you are trying to find. For example, if your transiton state is for a bond formation between C1 and O4, the bottom of your input file should include this line:

B 1 4 F

This will ensure that the correct constraints are imposed during the conformation search so you don't lose the transition state that you have.

Another key feature of this input is that you must specify a checkpoint file. You can do this with a simple line at the start of the file that looks something like this:



The checkpoint file must be defined in the first line of the input file, or the script will not work properly.

With all of these pieces you are ready to run qcalibrate and start performing a conformation search of your transition state. In case these instructions were confusing, here is an example input for a proton transfer transition state between atoms 2 and 23 (with the proton being atom 27). This file includes an extra constraint between atoms 3 and 21 to ensure these atoms do not bond prematurely.

# m062x/6-31+G(d) emp=gd3 opt(modredundant) scrf(cpcm,solvent=water) freq


-1 1
 C  -1.59684100  -0.47303900   1.52918800
 C  -0.22857300   0.14916100   1.80214900
 C   0.04361500   1.41083200   1.20889400
 N  -0.58941700   1.83851900   0.13565700
 C  -1.59564800   1.04046000  -0.44130900
 C  -2.08561900  -0.04818600   0.16274100
 H  -2.33375600  -0.18827900   2.29427800
 H  -1.49470300  -1.56354200   1.57382800
 H   0.85067300   2.03804600   1.56705400
 H  -1.95798800   1.37619200  -1.40661200
 C  -3.19120000  -0.76252600  -0.54804800
 N  -3.80415300  -1.73833800   0.15624600
 O  -3.52400400  -0.48022700  -1.70101400
 C  -0.13906300   3.01499100  -0.60859300
 H   0.59183400   3.55301300  -0.00724600
 H  -0.99444200   3.65955900  -0.81740100
 H   0.32883200   2.69124800  -1.54040800
 H  -3.58796000  -1.94293800   1.12129600
 H  -4.58510400  -2.22517000  -0.26420700
 H   0.10903600   0.08312900   2.83618600
 O   2.24957000   0.91384800  -0.20996100
 P   2.49177900  -0.58867800  -0.35956100
 O   1.38892000  -1.42317600   0.36391500
 O   3.83491600  -0.96187800   0.57321100
 O   2.79887500  -1.07387800  -1.77022500
 H   4.63226600  -0.59717800   0.16010100
 H   0.59336900  -0.54284100   1.15568300

B 2 27 F
B 27 23 F
B 3 21 F

Running the Code

This is an automated workflow, so it only takes one line to run all parts! If you don't want to run all parts of the code yet, I recommend creating your own copy of the code and running it individually. We are planning to add this kind of functionality to the existing script, but that isn't finished yet.

Once you have your input file created, you can easily run the code and start your conformer search. This code and be run with only one line, but there are a few arguments that you can implement to customize how the script runs. Here is the basic command you can use to run the script:

qcalibrate -i name_of_input.com

Running qcalibrate creates a new directory in the working directory where all of the jobs will be run. The new directory is named after the initial input file, and inside more directories will be made for the constrained CREST search, the constrained optimization, and the successful/failed TS optimizations.

This will start a slurm job with all default settings. Now, I will go through the different ways that you can alter the script.


All add-ons and ways to change the qcalibrate defaults are also described if you run the command qcalibrate -h.

Frequency Cutoff

With the -f flag, you can change the frequency cutoff value. By default, when qcalibrate checks to make sure that Gaussian optimized (constrained or not) structures include at least one imaginary frequency, it also ensures that the frequency has a magnitude of at least 100 cm-1. This is a helpful feature, since it filters out any jobs that had insignificant imaginary frequencies that are not likely to be your transition state.

If you know that the frequency of the transition state you're looking for is close to -1000 cm-1, then you can adjust the cutoff to make sure that you only search for large frequencies. Similarly, if the frequency of the transition state that you want is less intense than -100 cm-1, you can change the cutoff so that qcalibrate will keep your transition state structures.

Here is an example of implementing the frequency cutoff:

qcalibrate -i name_of_input.com -f 1000

This command will only keep optimizations (constrained or not) if the output file includes an imaginary frequency of -1000 cm-1 or higher in intensity.

Wall Time

If you run the qcalibrate command with no flags, your job will be submitted to the slurm queue with a maximum wall time of one day (24 hours). This is, however, the maximum time for all steps of the qcalibrate process, so 24 hours might not be long enough for your conformer search to finish completely. If you want to increase your wall time, you can use the -t flag. With this, you can change your job to be able to run for any length of time (while it fits on ACME's time limits).

An example of a command which changes the maximum wall time of the job is:

qcalibrate -i name_of_input.com -t 1-12:00:00

This command will submit the qcalibrate job to the queue for a maximum time of 36 hours (or 1 day and 12 hours).


If you are requesting times that are longer than one day, you can either include how many days and extra hours (1-12:00:00) or the total number of hours (36:00:00) to achieve the same effect.

Number of Processors

Another customizable feature of the qcalibrate script is to change the number of processors that your job is running on. The default value for processors to use is 16, but you can change this to use more or less, depending on your needs. You can alter the number of processors with the -p flag:

qcalibrate -i name_of_input.com -p 8

This command will submit to 8 processors on ACME instead of the default 16. On ACME, you can submit to a maximum of 32 processors per core.

Number of Conformers

As part of the qcalibrate command, you can adjust the final number of conformers that you want to proceed with for the coformer search. After the initial search, the CREGEN module of CREST is used to cluster the ensemble into a specified number of representative structures.

By default, the number of conformers to be considered each time you run qcalibrate is 10. However, you can adjust this number to suit your needs with the -n flag:

qcalibrate -i name_of_input.com -n 5

This command will cluster to 5 representative structures after the initial CREST conformer search. These 5 structures will be used for DFT constrained optimizaitons and continue through the workflow.