Using GitHub

This information and lots more can be found on `GitHub's website<>`_.

! Please add to this if you have extra insight!!!!

Saving Work/Progress with GitHub

Here's a common problem you may run into: you start working on a cool new idea on a local computing resource. As things start to fall into place, you copy the directory over to another cluster resource, and do some work there, perhaps training a model or running calculations. You end up changing stuff. A week later, you want to revert those changes... if only you had used some sort of version control in the first place!

Solution: This assumes that you are using "main" as the default branch. If you're using "master", simply substitute it everywhere you see "main"

  1. Set up a git repo from your local computer normally, and push your local computer changes to a new github repo.

  2. From the HPC machine, run

    git init
    git remote add origin ~~Your new repo's git file~~
    git fetch
    git reset origin/main
    git checkout -t origin/main

    The reset line fixes conflicts with versioned files that existed in the directory prior to git init. The last line may fail depending on git version - this shouldn't matter for current git versions.

  3. Commit and push the changes to overwrite the local machine files with the HPC files as you choose!